When we plan to buy life insurance its very confusing “what to buy or where from buy”. So many companies and plan are available in the market. We will help you to how to choose life insurance policy. You need to take care of fue things to be taken care while purchasing of life insurance policy.

Company:- Its very important to choose life insurance company, for this just check the company details, like Death Claim Ratio, past performance of the company.

Risk Cover:- Life insurance policy comes with risk cover or sum assured. So you need to take life risk cover on any one life. You can take 10 times of your annual income as risk cover.

Products:- You need to know which type of product do you need for insurance, for example Term assurance is only for risk cover, Endowment plan is for savings, you can have child plan for child education and marriage,  and pension plan for your pension. Plan according to your need always .

Agents or Adviser:- Agents are very important part or link while taking life insurance policy, they advise you to which type of insurance policy you required. Always take professional advice. Check his knowledge by asking some questions.  Don’t purchase policy from part time agent or agent offering you rebate, its simply because less knowledge is very harmful. 

For perfect and professional advice feel free to contact us .

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